Heat Stroke:
Severe disorders occurring due to impaired heat removal from the body in form of sweat due to the humid environment.
- Increasing body temperature more than 41 degree
- Confusion (nausea)
- Disorientation (blurred vision)
Laboratory tests.
- Complete blood count. CBC. ( Hemoconcentration increased)
- Creatinine phosphokinase. Creatine Phosphokinase
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine on dialysis. Blood Urea is increased and Creatinine on dialysis is also increased.
- Anuria ( absence of urination )
- Lactic acidosis
- Intravenous fluids.
- Rapid Cooling of the body with water spray.Or ice immersion.
- Chlorpromazine ( name of drug )
- Diazepam (name of drug )
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