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Skin Cancer Sign and Symptoms

Skin Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Here is some general information about

Skin Cancer

if you follow these recommendation Skin Cancer Can be prevented.

  • At first, it appears like a mole or there may be a mole already existing which changes into Skin Cancer
  • Notice if Mole or Skin mark is changing shape or color
  • If it changes shape and color then it may be "Melanoma"
  • It may pierce underneath the skin and get access to the bloodstream.
  • It can spread to different parts of the body which is called "Metastasis"
  • It can spread to Lymph Nodes and liver.
Once Cancer is Metastasized it is difficult to control it. If you find any unusual Skin changes go to your doctor because it may be Melanoma.

Recently a new Drug is discovered by Scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in California and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center named Diprovocim which has proven 100 percent effective against Melanoma in Mice. It acts as Tranquilizer against Cancer cell thence prevent their Metastasis.

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