Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors and Prevention
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Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors and Prevention
Let's Discuss Diabetes Mellitus risk factors and its prevention. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and chronic hyperglycemia due to either an absolute deficiency of insulin secretion or reduction of insulin bio-effectiveness or both.WHO Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
- Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
- Non-Insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
- Malnutrition dependent Diabetes Mellitus (MRDM)
- Other types secondary to pancreatic, hormonal,drug-induced and other abnormalities
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus is the 4th leading cause of death in the USA. Prevalence in adults worldwide is 4%. Over 143 million people are affected.
1.Agent Factors
- Pancreatic disorders
- Defects in the formation of Insulin
- Destruction of Beta cells by viral infection and chemicals.
- Decreased insulin sensitivity
- Genetic defects
- Auto-immunity
- Age: Increased incidence of age
- Sex: Affects both sexes equally
- Genetic Factors: In NIDDM, concordance is about 90% in identical twins, In IDDM concordance is almost 50%
- Genetic Markers: IDDM is associated with HLA-DR3 and DR4 and also with HLA-B8 and B15.NIDDM is not HLA associated.
- Immune Mechanism: Both cell-mediated and humoral activity against islet cells.
- Obesity: a Risk factor for NIDDM
- Pregnancy: Risk Factor for NIDDM.
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Diet: There is no evidence that diabetes mellitus is associated with any particular nutrient of diet.
- Malnutrition in early infancy and childhood may result in failure of beta cell function.
- Viral Infection: Rubella, Mumps
- Chemical Agents: rodenticide, VALCOR
- Alcohol: Causes DM by damaging the pancreas and liver
- Stress: Surgery, Trauma, and stress of situations may bring out the disease.
A.Screening for Diabetes
- Urine test for glucose
- Blood sugar testing (fasting, random,2 hrs after 75g oral glucose.
B.Primary prevention
primary prevention has no role in IDDM1.Population Strategy
- Emphases must be given on primordial prevention
- Maintenance of normal body weight
- Elimination of risk factors
2.High-Risk strategy
The person at risk for NIDDM are
- Living a sedentary lifestyle
- obese
- high alcohol consumers
- oral contraceptive users
C.Secondary Prevention
- diet alone
- diet and oral antidiabetic drugs
- diet and insulin
Taking Care Of
- percentage of Glycosylated Hb 6% monthly
- self-care by adhering to diet and drugs regimens
- home blood glucose monitoring
- routine checkup of blood pressure and visual acuity and weight
D.Tertiary Prevention
- Establishment of diabetic clinics
- Epidemiological research
- Establish national registries for Diabetes
- Blindness
- Kidney Failure
- Coronary thrombosis
- Gangrene of lower extremitiesMortality
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